Ric Flair at the 666th floor window!

there were 2 boys named john mcmahon and cena mcmahon. it was 3 am and there were watching old ric flair matches on the wwe network. it starded to glitch out and froze. I WANT BORK LASER TO WIN! said cena IT FROZE said john . all the sudden there heard a knock on the window. THATS IMPOSSIBLE WHO CAN KNOCK ON THE WINDOW IF WE R SO HIGH UP ON THE BILDING said cena. the power went out and on the tv screen on the wwe network it showed rick flair saying GO TO BED repeadedly looped over and over agan! the screen went black and they heard knocking on the window again the curtain opened and it was ric flair flying holding a bloody knife and told the boys to GO TO HELL!